Hello 2025. Its been a long snowy winter-just like they always were. Despite the snow cover, people are still buying beautiful homes whether or not they know their grass is green. This is due to the low supply of properties. The big question is whether it's the right time to buy for you. That's why it's' important to contact Real Estate Lawyers, who are Realtors and Lawyers, who are familiar with real estate market and can guide you to writing a winning offer, guide you through closing and get you possession. Do your research as to where you would like to be and then contact us. Use Zillow, Realtors .com or other online real estate databases to get an idea of prices in the area you like. When you see something you like or have questions on a property, please contact us first, not the Realtor whose sign is on the property as they represent the Seller.
Be it your primary home or secondary/cottage/northern retreat, we can help you find it and get title to it. We know the market and how to move swiftly, yet safely, in this fast-paced market. Although our fees are commission based, like all Realtors, as Real Estate Lawyers we review all the documents prior to closing and inform our client accordingly so they know what they are getting prior to close. If there are problems, we help fix them, if additional terms are needed, we write the terms. These are major investments, so do it right and hire a Real Estate Lawyer/Realtor from REL to represent you in your purchase. We charge the same as a Realtor on listed properties with no hourly legal fees. Unlike a Realtor though, as Lawyers, we can provide legal advice, draft contracts and interpret legal terms and contracts. As Realtors, we can schedule a showing of any listed property by other Realtors. We question why buyers call the Seller's Realtor to buy their client's property. Why wouldn't you call us 1st?
REL is a member of both Northern Great Lakes Realtors MLS and Great Lakes Bay Region Board of Realtors and can provide listings for properties from Saginaw - North. With an office in Elk Rapids, Michigan we have great insight as to price and location. Call us (231) 498-2171 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.